Teacher Topics
  • An activity is a general name for a group of features in a Moodle course. Usually, an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with other students and or the teacher.

  • An Activity, such as Forums or Quizzes, properly means something students can contribute to directly, and is often contrasted to a Resource such as a File or Page, which is presented by the teacher to them. However, the term activity is sometimes for convenience also used to refer to both Activities and Resources as a group.

  • Ensure editing is turned on

  • Go to the topic/week where you would like the new resource or activity to be placed

  • Select either the 'Activities and Resources' menu

  • An activity is a general name for a group of features in a Moodle course. Usually, an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with other students and or the teacher.

  • image.png

  • Assignments

  • Enable teachers to grade and give comments on uploaded files and assignments created on and offline

  • Choice

  • A teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses

  • Forum

  • Allow participants to have asynchronous discussions

  • Lesson

  • For delivering content in flexible ways

  • Quiz

  • Allows the teacher to design and set quiz tests, which may be automatically marked and feedback, and/or to correct answers shown


  • Enables SCORM packages to be included as course content

  • H5P activity

  • Enables H5P content created in the Content bank or on h5p.com to be easily added to a course as an activity.

  • Wiki

  • A collection of web pages that anyone can add to or edit

  • Workshop

  • Enables peer assessment

  • A resource is an item a teacher can use to support learning, such as a file or link. Moodle supports various resource types that teachers can add to their courses.

  • Book - A multi-page resource in a book-like format, with chapters and subchapters. Books can contain media files and well as text and are useful for displaying lengthy passages of information that can be broken down into sections.

  • File - A picture, PDF file, spreadsheet, sound file, video file or any other file type. Where possible, the file will be displayed within the course interface; otherwise, students will be prompted to download it.

  • Folder - For helping organize files. A folder may contain other folders.

  • Page - A web page that a teacher creates using the text editor.

  • URL - For providing a web link as a course resource.

Last modified: Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 4:40 AM